by Anthony Stitt | Jun 27, 2018 | Blog, Corporate
Linking-Up to Strengthen Threat Operations in Australia POSTED BY ANTHONY STITT Just two months ago, ThreatQuotient announced its expansion into Central Europe and the Asia-Pacific region with the aim of bringing our globally recognized technology and solutions to...
by Liz Bush | Jun 26, 2018 | Blog, Threat Intelligence
How ThreatQ Helps Analysts Become the “Go To” Source for Threat Intelligence POSTED BY LIZ BUSH The recent SANS 2018 Cyber Threat Intelligence Survey finds that 81% of cybersecurity professionals see value in threat intelligence. But are they getting the full value?...
by Marc Solomon | Jun 22, 2018 | Media Coverage
As a security analyst, you’re probably stuck in the security operations doldrums. You spend 80 percent of your time doing repetitive, administrative tasks and only 20 percent (if you’re lucky!) on investigative, challenging and rewarding work that stops the bad guys...
by Neal Humphrey | Jun 19, 2018 | Blog, Cybersecurity, Threat Intelligence
The Advisor’s Workbench POSTED BY NEAL HUMPHREY In my last blog, I talk about some of the changes and opinions I see in the market and started a discussion around a label and a definition of a role that while new, someone(s) is already performing within security...
by Ryan Trost | Jun 13, 2018 | Blog, Cybersecurity
Moving to the Cloud? Buckle Up! POSTED BY RYAN TROST What seems like a million years ago, before “real” password management and Active Directory, user passwords were stored locally on each device itself. This caused regular maintenance to be a monumental effort and...