by Marc Solomon | Jul 25, 2019 | Media Coverage
“The world is your oyster!” “The sky’s the limit!” Those may sound like encouraging words, but according to ‘millennial therapist’ Tess Brighman the biggest complaint among millennials is having so many choices that they struggle to make decisions. Why is this such a...
by Marc Solomon | Jul 10, 2019 | Media Coverage
This may be cheesy, and half of you reading this may not have been alive at the time to remember, but President Ronald Reagan’s appeal more than 30 years ago to “tear down this wall” is advice security professionals should heed as well. A reunified Germany is now an...
by Marc Solomon | Jun 17, 2019 | Media Coverage
I’ve talked before about how we have the tools and technologies to make the intelligent SOCa reality. It’s a welcomed development given the global cybersecurity skills shortage of three million and growing. Security operations centers (SOCs) are using Security...
by Marc Solomon | May 24, 2019 | Media Coverage
External factors, including security tools shifting to the cloud, the rise of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions, and the cybersecurity talent shortage, are presenting challenges for security operations centers (SOCs). There is a lot of talk right now...
by Marc Solomon | May 22, 2019 | Media Coverage
Remember when we used to believe we could prevent every attack? We focused on prevention, layering defenses so that if one layer failed another would be there to stop the attack. As the years passed, we realized that despite a defense-in-depth strategy, 100%...
by Michel Huffaker | Apr 25, 2019 | Media Coverage, News
Over the last decade, I have worked in cybersecurity and cyber threat intelligence for a variety of organizations, both private and public, in the United States and abroad, and ranging from Fortune 50 to “mom and pop shops.” In this time, I have seen the landscape...