by ThreatQ | Mar 15, 2018 | Media Coverage
The Value of Threat Intelligence is Clear, But Are You Capturing It All? The recent SANS 2018 Cyber Threat Intelligence Survey (PDF) finds 81% of cybersecurity professionals affirm that threat intelligence is providing value and helping them do their jobs better. Read...
by Wayne Chiang | Mar 1, 2018 | Media Coverage
As organizations look to better protect themselves from such attacks, they may think more threat intelligence will help. But organizations typically have more threat intelligence than they know what to do with. READ MORE>
by ThreatQ | Feb 19, 2018 | Media Coverage
The Starbucks Effect is Pervasive in the IT Industry and Threat Intelligence is Also Affected by That Movement “I’d like a half caff, tall, soy, vanilla cappuccino, extra hot.” We’ve all heard orders like these at Starbucks. We may even be the person placing them! But...
by ThreatQ | Feb 6, 2018 | Media Coverage
From LeMagIT ThreatQuotient’s threat intelligence management platform has been operational since the summer. Usage of its output has yet to become standard, but the first benefits can already be seen. The first tests took place in 2016. During this period,...
by Liz Bush | Jan 26, 2018 | Media Coverage
Over the next five years, the threat intelligence market is predicted to grow more than 18% a year and reach nearly $9 billion by 2022. This growth is largely fueled by a fact we’ve all come to live with: we can’t block every attack. Threat intelligence allows us to...
by ThreatQ | Jan 8, 2018 | Media Coverage
The holidays are now behind us and we’re getting back to our routines. As we do, we start putting to use all the gifts we’ve received from family, friends, colleagues and neighbors. Each year I’m impressed by the people who always seem to nail it and find the perfect...