Countdown to RSA Conference 2020


RSA Conference 2020 is approaching fast and here at ThreatQuotient we’re excited for two main reasons.

First, this year’s theme is “Human Element” because, after all, “cybersecurity is fundamentally about people protecting people to make the world a better, more secure place.” Since our inception, we’ve beaten the drum about the importance of empowering the human element of cybersecurity. Prioritization, automation and collaboration are essential to helping security operations centers, incident response teams and threat intel analysts quickly analyze threat and event data, make better decisions and accelerate detection and response. These capabilities are embedded into our ThreatQ platform and fundamental to addressing the top use cases for security professionals today – alert triage, spear phishing, threat intelligence management, threat hunting, incident response and vulnerability management. 

Prioritization, automation and collaboration also help address another aspect of the ‘human element” in cybersecurity – the skills shortage. Capabilities that enable security teams to gain insights and take the right actions faster help organizations get more from their talented staff and assist with employee recruitment and retention. Productivity skyrockets and highly skilled professionals remain engaged and motivated.

Second, we’re looking forward to all the networking and socializing opportunities at the RSA Conference. We have lots of fun activities planned, including two parties we’re co-sponsoring with partners:

  • The Ignite party hosted by Flashpoint is on Monday, February 24, from 7-10 pm. Get the details and register here
  • The Security Leaders VIP Party hosted by Digital Shadows is on Wednesday, February 26 from 5-9 pm. Learn more and register here.

We also invite you to stop by our booth S-3432 to see the ThreatQ platform and ThreatQ Investigations in action, and learn about our new hosted offering and use case-specific dashboards that further empower the human element. While you’re at our booth, take a break and spend time with some furry friends – for the 3rd year in a row the puppies will be back! Schedule some time with us in advance. 

Frankly, we can’t think of a better theme for RSAC. Human involvement, at the right steps and time, will remain essential to the security process. The more we can do as an industry to empower our security teams, the safer we will all be. 

Looking forward to seeing you soon!




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About ThreatQuotient™

ThreatQuotient™ understands that the foundation of intelligence-driven security is people. The company’s open and extensible threat intelligence platform, ThreatQ™, empowers security teams with the context, customization and prioritization needed to make better decisions, accelerate detection and response and advance team collaboration.
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