Learn how you can help a Rhino. Stop by our booth at one of these events!


If you know ThreatQuotient, then you know we have a thing for rhinos! The image of a rhino is part of our logo and we put a rhino on nearly everything. We even give away squishy rhinos at events. But the rhino is more than a mascot to us – it’s an integral part of our culture. It exemplifies our strength as individuals and our collective force as “The Crash,” the name of a group of rhinoceroses. We love rhinos so much that a couple of years ago we adopted a baby rhino from a rhino orphanage in South Africa. Rescued from poachers, his name is Lesego.  

ThreatQuotient Supports Helping RhinosNow we are really pleased to announce that we’re an official supporter of another organization called Helping Rhinos. This charity has a truly innovative and forward-thinking approach to conservation and ensuring the long-term survival of rhinos in their natural habitat. Working internationally, and on the ground where rhinos live, the group’s activities center on three main pillars: collaboration, empowerment and sustainability. 

Through Helping Rhinos, ThreatQuotient has adopted a baby rhino named Mthetho. He’s a Northern White rhino – one of five rhino species in the world today, every one of which is threatened with extinction due to poaching and habitat loss.

Mthetho and her motherTo raise awareness of the plight of the rhino and funding to support the organization’s important work we’re bringing Helping Rhinos to you! 

Visit our booth at one of the following conferences and events around the world this fall/winter where Helping Rhinos will join us to help spread the word about this important mission.



Event Date Location
RH-ISAC September 24 Denver
SAN THIR September 30 New Orleans
MPOWER USA October 1 Las Vegas
AISA October 7 Australia
IT-SA October 8 Germany
LES ASSISES October 9 Monaco
SPLUNK .CONF19 October 21 Las Vegas
FSISAC EMEA October 28 Berlin
FSISAC NA November 17 Washington, DC
SANS CTI SUMMIT November 25 London
H-ISAC December 2 San Diego

We hope to see you at one of these events soon! 

In the meantime, you can learn the story of Mthetho’s name and join us in supporting Helping Rhinos.



  1. Easing into the Post-Pandemic Business Environment | LaunchTech - […] For example, ThreatQuotient, whose logo includes a rhino, has adopted baby rhinos and actively raises awareness for Helping Rhinos…

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ThreatQuotient™ understands that the foundation of intelligence-driven security is people. The company’s open and extensible threat intelligence platform, ThreatQ™, empowers security teams with the context, customization and prioritization needed to make better decisions, accelerate detection and response and advance team collaboration.
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