Combination of Infoblox contextual data and the ThreatQ platform enriches and accelerates response to emerging threat vectors

Reston, Va. – Nov. 10, 2020 – ThreatQuotient™, a leading security operations platform innovator, today announced an integration with Infoblox, the leader in Secure  Cloud-managed Network Services. The combination of Infoblox contextual data and the ThreatQ™ threat intelligence platform enables organizations to categorize, manage and respond to threats faster and more effectively.

Infoblox DNS can put more than 45 million threat indicators to work in real-time within BloxOneTM Threat Defense, which provides advanced DNS security as SaaS-based services from the cloud or as a hybrid on-premises/SaaS solution. Infoblox security solutions provide ubiquitous visibility, protect against advanced threats and help speed up incident response, keeping the workforce secure wherever they may be. By activating cyber intelligence in Infoblox DNS and importing Infoblox Threat Intelligence Data Exchange (TIDE) into ThreatQ, organizations are equipped to accelerate their responses to emerging threat vectors.

“ThreatQuotient provides defenders with the context, customization and collaboration needed for efficient threat operations and management. From discovery, configuration and compliance, Infoblox is helping to automate and simplify network and security processes,” says Haig Colter, Director of Alliances at ThreatQuotient. “Together, our integration eases the consumption of threat intelligence from various internal and external sources to ensure that intelligence is accurate, relevant and timely to an organization’s business.”

With ThreatQuotient, organizations can automate the majority of manual tasks and get more out of existing security resources, both people and infrastructure. Integrating Infoblox IP and DNS contexts with ThreatQ supports a variety of use cases, such as:

  • Allow joint customers to assess, categorize and manage security incidents
  • Eliminate unnecessary, duplicate and irrelevant indicators before they enter a network
  • Enforce security by blocking DNS requests to malicious resources (IP Addresses and Domains)

“Security operations tasks such as monitoring for lookalike domains are extremely time-consuming. Teams leveraging Infoblox and ThreatQ, such as TIP administrators, will gain enhanced visibility into potentially malicious IP addresses and DNS threats,” says Dave Barry, Director of Business Development, Infoblox. “Our integration with ThreatQuotient offers customers the tools to further optimize their security posture from the ground up and achieve next-level network security through deeper, more relevant context and automation.”

To learn more about ThreatQuotient’s market-leading solutions built for threat-centric security operations, the ThreatQ™ platform and the ThreatQ Investigations cybersecurity situation room, please visit

About Infoblox

Infoblox enables the next-level network experience with its Secure Cloud-Managed Network Services. As the pioneer in providing the world’s most reliable, secure and automated networks, we are relentless in our pursuit of network simplicity. A recognized industry leader, Infoblox has more than 8,000 customers, including 350 of the Fortune 500. For more information, visit

About ThreatQuotient

ThreatQuotient’s mission is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of security operations with a platform that accelerates and simplifies investigations and collaboration within and across teams and tools. Integrating an organization’s existing processes and technologies into a unified workspace, ThreatQuotient’s solutions reduce noise, highlight top priority threats and automate processes to provide greater focus and decision support while maximizing limited resources. ThreatQuotient’s threat-centric approach supports multiple use cases including incident response, threat hunting, spear phishing, alert triage and vulnerability management, and also serves as a threat intelligence platform. ThreatQuotient is headquartered in Northern Virginia with international operations based out of Europe and APAC. For more information, visit

Media Contact

Taylor Hadley
(978) 877-2113

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