ThreatQ and ThreatQ Investigations Stand Out for Excellence in Improving Collaboration, Accelerating Shared Understanding and Coordinating Response Across Cybersecurity Teams

Reston, VA – Feb. 20, 2019 – ThreatQuotient™, a leading security operations platform innovator, today announced that Info Security Products Guide (ISPG) has named the company a winner of three 2019 Global Excellence Awards. ThreatQ™ Investigations, the industry’s first cybersecurity situation room, was awarded Gold for the category Security Investigation, and also Silver for Most Innovative Security Product (Software) of the Year. ThreatQuotient’s flagship product, the ThreatQ threat intelligence platform, won Bronze for Threat Hunting, Detection, Intelligence and Response. Now in its fifteenth year, the ISPG awards recognize the most advanced and innovative cybersecurity and information technology products, solutions, and services across the globe.

“We always look forward to the ISPG awards to see how the landscape of offerings has grown and changed, and we are especially motivated to be recognized each year for our continued innovation,” said John Czupak, President and CEO of ThreatQuotient. “As the first to market with a platform specifically for threat-centric security operations, ThreatQuotient is proud to receive three 2019 ISPG awards that highlight the diverse use cases of our technology and its ability to help organizations become more secure.”

To improve their security operations, organizations need a single, systemic security architecture that supports multiple teams and use cases. This approach is grounded in the ability to look at the entirety of a security problem and prioritize by answering fundamental questions, including: What can be immediately and automatically filtered out? What is a known threat that needs attention – either automatically or requires human intelligence, either by a person or team? What are the items that need more investigation? The goal is to automate the identification of noise and threats to reduce the number of items that need investigation, provide greater focus for the limited resources on the team and continuously learn to improve over time. This is the role of the ThreatQ platform: it provides the context and foundational understanding that is needed for effective security operations.

Built on top of ThreatQ platform, ThreatQ Investigations brings order to the chaos of security operations that occurs when teams work in silos, acting independently, inefficiently and unable to share intelligence and tasks easily. ThreatQ Investigations answers this industry challenge providing a visual representation of a complete situation at hand, including what actions were taken, by whom and when. For example, by maintaining adversary profiles and associated malware analysis in ThreatQ, an incident response (IR) team using ThreatQ Investigations instantly knows the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of that adversary. Having an adversary dossier is an extremely powerful “tactical operations guidebook”, allowing even junior analysts to work far beyond their experience. By knowing how adversaries have moved around a network in the past, and what information they have historically gone after, an IR team can quickly and proficiently track and eliminate trespassers.

Once an incident is suspected, an investigation effort needs to be applied to understand the scope, impact and the actions required to recover; but gathering all the required information is hard because it comes in a great variety of formats from many different people and teams,” said Leon Ward, Vice President of Product Management. “ThreatQuotient is helping organizations take an incident under investigation and relate it to known campaigns or adversaries, drastically reducing the analysis and response process since key elements about that campaign are already understood by the defending organization.”

ThreatQuotient will be exhibiting at the 2019 RSA Conference from March 4-7 in San Francisco, and attendees will be able to see demos of ThreatQ and ThreatQ Investigations at booth #3430 in the Moscone Center. For more information or to schedule a meeting with the team, please click here.

About ThreatQuotient

ThreatQuotient’s mission is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of security operations through a threat-centric platform. By integrating an organization’s existing processes and technologies into a single security architecture, ThreatQuotient accelerates and simplifies investigations and collaboration within and across teams and tools. Through automation, prioritization and visualization, ThreatQuotient’s solutions reduce noise and highlight top priority threats to provide greater focus and decision support for limited resources.  ThreatQuotient is headquartered in Northern Virginia with international operations based out of Europe and APAC. For more information, visit

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Taylor Hadley


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