Protecting Healthcare Against Cyber Threats

Céline Gajnik

Healthcare organizations stand as prime targets for cybercriminals, drawn by the allure of valuable personal and health information stored within Electronic Health Records (EHR). These records, akin to digital gold, encapsulate a treasure trove of data—from full names and birth dates to Social Security numbers and billing details—making them hot commodities on the black market. As the healthcare industry embraces technological advancements for better patient care, it simultaneously opens the door wider to cybersecurity threats.

Challenges Facing the Healthcare Industry

Data Availability
Immediate access to accurate patient data is not just a convenience; it’s a matter of life and death. However, this urgency for data accessibility must be balanced with stringent security measures. The vulnerability of confidential medical data to malware and ransomware attacks necessitates unwavering vigilance and robust security controls.

Legacy Systems
Many medical facilities and clinicians operate on outdated systems and devices, often running obsolete software versions and lacking adequate security measures. A single compromised legacy system can serve as a gateway for major data breaches, highlighting the critical need for modernization and security upgrades.

Modern Assets
While technologies like IoT medical devices and EHR applications promise enhanced efficiency and patient care, they also expand the attack surface, exposing sensitive data to a myriad of threats. The intersection of innovation and security presents a daunting challenge for healthcare organizations striving to embrace progress without compromising patient privacy and safety.


How to Combat Threats

1. Consolidate

By aggregating all sources of threat intelligence and vulnerability data into a central repository, ThreatQ empowers healthcare organizations to gain a holistic view of their cybersecurity landscape, enhancing visibility and informed decision-making.

2. Eliminate Noise

Amidst the deluge of threat data, ThreatQ acts as a beacon of clarity, enabling security teams to filter out noise and focus on critical assets and vulnerabilities, ensuring that resources are allocated where they are most needed.

3. Prioritize and Integrate

By prioritizing threats based on their impact on the health system environment, ThreatQ enables organizations to streamline their security efforts, integrating relevant indicators into their HIPAA-related security policies to bolster compliance and resilience. 

4. Proactively Hunt and Accelerate Response

With ThreatQ, healthcare organizations can proactively hunt for malicious activity, swiftly identifying and neutralizing threats before they can wreak havoc on patient records and organizational integrity. Additionally, the platform accelerates analysis and response to attacks, enabling rapid mitigation against evolving threats.

5. Automate and Unify

Through seamless integration with detection and response tools, ThreatQ automates the dissemination of threat intelligence, empowering healthcare organizations to mount a unified defense against cyber adversaries, safeguarding both patient data and organizational reputation.

The ThreatQ Platform equips healthcare organizations with the right tools and insights needed to navigate the ever-evolving threat landscape. To learn more,
schedule a demo today.


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About ThreatQuotient™

ThreatQuotient™ understands that the foundation of intelligence-driven security is people. The company’s open and extensible threat intelligence platform, ThreatQ™, empowers security teams with the context, customization and prioritization needed to make better decisions, accelerate detection and response and advance team collaboration.

Healthcare organizations stand as prime targets for cybercriminals, drawn by the allure of valuable personal and health information stored within Electronic Health Records (EHR). These records, akin to digital gold, encapsulate a treasure trove of data—from full names and birth dates to Social Security numbers and billing details—making them hot commodities on the black market. As the healthcare industry embraces technological advancements for better patient care, it simultaneously opens the door wider to cybersecurity threats.

Challenges Facing the Healthcare Industry

Data Availability
Immediate access to accurate patient data is not just a convenience; it’s a matter of life and death. However, this urgency for data accessibility must be balanced with stringent security measures. The vulnerability of confidential medical data to malware and ransomware attacks necessitates unwavering vigilance and robust security controls.

Legacy Systems
Many medical facilities and clinicians operate on outdated systems and devices, often running obsolete software versions and lacking adequate security measures. A single compromised legacy system can serve as a gateway for major data breaches, highlighting the critical need for modernization and security upgrades.

Modern Assets
While technologies like IoT medical devices and EHR applications promise enhanced efficiency and patient care, they also expand the attack surface, exposing sensitive data to a myriad of threats. The intersection of innovation and security presents a daunting challenge for healthcare organizations striving to embrace progress without compromising patient privacy and safety.


How to Combat Threats

1. Consolidate

By aggregating all sources of threat intelligence and vulnerability data into a central repository, ThreatQ empowers healthcare organizations to gain a holistic view of their cybersecurity landscape, enhancing visibility and informed decision-making.

2. Eliminate Noise

Amidst the deluge of threat data, ThreatQ acts as a beacon of clarity, enabling security teams to filter out noise and focus on critical assets and vulnerabilities, ensuring that resources are allocated where they are most needed.

3. Prioritize and Integrate

By prioritizing threats based on their impact on the health system environment, ThreatQ enables organizations to streamline their security efforts, integrating relevant indicators into their HIPAA-related security policies to bolster compliance and resilience. 

4. Proactively Hunt and Accelerate Response

With ThreatQ, healthcare organizations can proactively hunt for malicious activity, swiftly identifying and neutralizing threats before they can wreak havoc on patient records and organizational integrity. Additionally, the platform accelerates analysis and response to attacks, enabling rapid mitigation against evolving threats.

5. Automate and Unify

Through seamless integration with detection and response tools, ThreatQ automates the dissemination of threat intelligence, empowering healthcare organizations to mount a unified defense against cyber adversaries, safeguarding both patient data and organizational reputation.

The ThreatQ Platform equips healthcare organizations with the right tools and insights needed to navigate the ever-evolving threat landscape. To learn more,
schedule a demo today.


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About ThreatQuotient™

ThreatQuotient™ understands that the foundation of intelligence-driven security is people. The company’s open and extensible threat intelligence platform, ThreatQ™, empowers security teams with the context, customization and prioritization needed to make better decisions, accelerate detection and response and advance team collaboration.
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