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Late last year, a study by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) took an in-depth look at a phenomenon called “security fatigue.”
‘7 Minutes’ with ThreatQuotient Director of Alliances Haig Colter
ThreatQuotient is in the business of intelligence — specifically, providing an open threat-intelligence platform that security teams can look to for information on how attackers are looking to get past their defenses.
Tips for Better Passwords
Jonathan Couch, vice president of strategy for the cybersecurity firm ThreatQuotient, says one of the best and easiest things to do is to create a long password out of an easy to remember phrase, then throw in some special characters.
What’s in a Name? Breaking Down Attribution
In the past few years, the topic of “attribution” has often come up. As more large-scale breaches occur and issues concerning cybersecurity become more mainstream, people want to know who is responsible.
What's in a Name? Breaking Down Attribution
In the past few years, the topic of “attribution” has often come up. As more large-scale breaches occur and issues concerning cybersecurity become more mainstream, people want to know who is responsible.
Do Indicators of Compromise Matter? The Devil is in the Details
Instead of Discounting Indicators of Compromise, it’s Time to Use Them More Effectively.
ThreatQuotient and Bandura Integrate to Simplify Threat Defense
Superior Prioritization of Indicators and Noise Reduction Enables Powerful Security Teams
Use Threat Intelligence to “Unfragment” Security
It turns out that threat intelligence can be the best glue to integrate layers of point products within a defense-in-depth strategy and reduce fragmentation.
Use Threat Intelligence to "Unfragment" Security
It turns out that threat intelligence can be the best glue to integrate layers of point products within a defense-in-depth strategy and reduce fragmentation.
Defense-in-Depth has Failed Us. Now What?
For years we have been bombarded with a slew of headlines about compromises and breaches. And the velocity is increasing. In spite of all its layers of protection, defense-in-depth has failed us.