The ThreatQuotient Blog
Security teams continue to face significant alert fatigue from a continual barrage of high priority alerts. The expanding threat landscape and the increasingly dynamic nature of IT operations are the primary contributors to this alert escalation.
Learn What 1,000 of Your Peers are Saying About Cyber Threat Intelligence
Now that CTI has matured into a standalone program, this year the SANS survey asked specific questions about how organizations are setting up their CTI programs.
Are you maximizing the value of your cyber threat intelligence investment?
The use of cyber threat intelligence (CTI) within the security industry is widespread and increasing over time. Attackers change their methods frequently to avoid detection by defenders who use CTI.
See how to Enhance Orchestration using Threat Intelligence
The global shortage of cybersecurity professionals has now surpassed 4 million according to ISC2, yet the volume and velocity of increasingly sophisticated threats security teams face is on the rise.
Threat Intelligence Decoded
There are two types of cyber threats that organizations deal with which can be sorted into the following categories: hurricanes and earthquakes.
New Research Uncovers Keys to Success for Women in Cybersecurity
When senior professionals were asked about their rise to leadership, they cite being in the right place at the right time, their experience and certifications (including staying current) as the top three reasons.
Celebrating a New Twist on Women Threat Hunters
In our continuing program this month to celebrate women in cybersecurity, I wanted to tell you about an amazing group of women who have put a new twist on threat hunting.
Join us in Celebrating Women in Cybersecurity this Month
Sunday, March 8 is International Women’s Day, and in the U.S. the entire month of March is Women’s History Month. So, ThreatQuotient is taking the opportunity to celebrate women in cybersecurity.
Countdown to RSA Conference 2020
RSA Conference 2020 is approaching fast and here at ThreatQuotient we’re excited for two main reasons.
If You’re Only Focused on Patching, You’re Not Doing Vulnerability Management
A holistic approach to vulnerability management, that includes knowing yourself and your enemy, allows you to go beyond patching.
See How to Leverage Threat Intelligence for Effective Vulnerability Management
Vulnerability management is a challenge for many organizations. If not done efficiently and effectively, it can lead to a data breach.
Struggling to Make Better Security Decisions? These Tips Can Help
Unintended consequences – the unforeseen outcomes of actions we take – are all around us. It may be an unforeseen benefit, but, more frequently, it’s an unexpected drawback.
Cyber Predictions for 2020
As the 2020 budget meetings come and go – teams are forced to assess their current defenses by analyzing their historical attacks in order to anticipate/predict future attack trends.
Threat Hunting: Survey Results from the Trenches – Part 3
The eternal question when making technology investment decisions is whether to invest in people, process or technology.
Threat Hunting: Survey Results from the Trenches – Part 2
Threat hunting is a complex task and presents many challenges. If organizations aren’t careful, they can end up with a few high-value resources spending inordinate amounts of time potentially chasing ghosts.
Threat Hunting: Survey Results from the Trenches – Part 1
Given that threat hunting is still in its early stages for most companies and teams are relatively small, organizations need to think creatively about how to structure security operations teams and processes to help threat hunters work efficiently.
Would You Like An Award To Go With That Award?
I’m pleased to announce that ThreatQuotient was named a Northern Virginia Technology Council, 2019 NVTC Tech 100 company of the year.
How Government Agencies Can Use Existing Resources to Increase Situational Awareness
Government agency computer systems are a treasure trove for threat actors given the vast amount of sensitive information they contain and critical infrastructure they run.