The ThreatQuotient Blog
There is something so absolutely freeing about staring at the stars. The milky way can be seen without a telescope. However, most stars are not visible to the naked eye.
Mitigating Risk in the Healthcare Industry
Healthcare organizations are attractive targets for today’s hackers. The data is comparatively much more valuable, so hackers stand to make big profits.
Attack Attribution
This is the third and final blog in my series on victimology. Now that we have a relatively decent baseline, we can start to compare other spear phish attacks to these to see if we’ve been targeted previously by this attacker.
Timeline Analysis to Identify Campaign Attacks
Building from our previous spearphish investigation, let’s continue to dissect the robertwanger [at] spearphish attacks.
#WheresTQRhino at Black Hat USA
In a few days, security professionals from all over the globe will travel to Las Vegas for what is known in the industry as “Hacker Summer Camp”: Black Hat USA
Victimology: Target Association
In a previous life, I managed two SOCs with 40+ analysts each, where a large component of the team was dedicated to threat intelligence, more specifically victimology.
Need Some Tips on TIPs?
As you look to establish your own threat intelligence operations and select a threat intelligence platform company to partner with, you need to make the best decision for your organization.
Linking-Up to Strengthen Threat Operations in Australia
Just two months ago, ThreatQuotient announced its expansion into Central Europe and the Asia-Pacific region with the aim of bringing our globally recognized technology and solutions to markets around the world.
How ThreatQ Helps Analysts Become the “Go To” Source for Threat Intelligence
The recent SANS 2018 Cyber Threat Intelligence Survey finds that 81% of cybersecurity professionals see value in threat intelligence. But are they getting the full value?
The Advisor’s Workbench
In my last blog, I talk about some of the changes and opinions I see in the market and started a discussion around a label and a definition of a role that while new, someone is already performing within security organizations today.
Moving to the Cloud? Buckle Up!
What seems like a million years ago, before “real” password management and Active Directory, user passwords were stored locally on each device itself.
ThreatQuotient Wins a Spot on Greater Washington Best Places to Work List
ThreatQuotient is pleased to be recognized among Washington Business Journal’s Best Places to Work for 2018.
ThreatQuotient CEO to Provide Opening Keynote to 20th Edition of TechBuzz
John Czupak, President and CEO at ThreatQuotient, will be the opening keynote speaker at the 20th edition of the TechBUZZ program hosted by the Mid-Atlantic Venture Association (MAVA) in Dulles, Virginia.
Rise of the Advisor: – RSA, Buzzwords, Automation, and a Path Forward
It’s been about two months since the end of RSA 2018, and about a month since the end of the avalanche of emails and phone calls.
Above and Beyond STIX
We’re getting smarter. We as organizations are certainly moving in the right direction in respect to how we tackle cyber security initiatives
The ‘REAL’ Distinction of Threat Intelligence Platforms
Threat intelligence vendors are starting to dilute the term ‘platform’ in order to expand their target addressable market (TAM) by inflating [read: manipulate] the customer’s viewpoints.
Getting your company out of a crisis situation
You can imagine a scene in an action movie where the president is briefed on an ongoing incident, surrounded by generals, and chiefs of staff.
Identity Crisis: Proving the Value of Intelligence Through Internal Marketing
When I started my career as a “classically trained” intelligence analyst operating in the public sector, there was very little ambiguity about my role.