Focus on your response with


Expected Efficiency Gainsfrom Automation


ImproveAnalyst Accuracy


Removal ofLow Alerts


Increase Analyst Speed & Accuracy

ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator is the industry’s first solution to introduce a simplified, data-driven approach to SOAR, TIP and TDIR that accelerates threat detection and response across disparate systems, resulting in more efficient and effective security operations.
Key Benefits
  • Easy to set up and maintain
  • Reduce playbook runs by 80%
  • Learn from the actions taken, and improve over time
  • Ensure output is relevant and high priority

Use Cases

Spear Phishing

Automated Vulnerability Management


Threat Intelligence Management


Spear Phishing

The repetitive process of analyzing spear phishing emails has consumed valuable analyst time that is better applied elsewhere. The ThreatQ extensive integration capabilities combined with ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator, greatly reduces the time, effort and cost when triaging an incident.


Vulnerability Management

Organizations prioritize the patching and mitigation of software vulnerabilities based on limited data preventing the efficient prioritization of time and resources. The ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator data-driven approach combines the power of automation, extensive integrations, the DataLinq Engine and scoring to remediate the most critical vulnerabilities first.


Threat Intelligence Management

Enriching alerts with threat intelligence has consumed valuable analyst time with a number of manual tasks. ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator automates threat intelligence processing and reduces the number of manual clicks needed to build the relationships used by the DataLinq Engine, providing a continuous feedback loop to improve future analysis.

Spear Phishing Triage Analysis

Vulnerability Management Analysis

Threat Intelligence Processing Analysis

See ThreatQ in Action
ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator | Spear Phishing Triage ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator | Vulnerability Management ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator | Threat Intelligence Processing

How It Works

When you analyze automation, you can simplify it into three key stages. When each stage functions correctly, it results in automation with higher efficacy and improved efficiency.


Smart Collections

Control when actions should be taken by defining data-driven triggers based on variables and characteristics


Data-Driven Playbooks

Run playbooks from 3rd party tools or create data-driven playbooks within ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator.


Threat Library

Capture resulting data and context for automated tuning of the database and future analytics and improved triggering.

ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator is designed to simplify automation through unique capabilities of Smart Collections™, Data-Driven Playbooks and the Threat Library, each which directly maps to the three stages within automation – Initiate, Run and Learn. While the solution maps to all three stages, the Initiate and Learn stages are where we are uniquely positioned.


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